Previously, a considerable amount of time was dedicated to documenting incidents of physical intervention on paper, which made analysis difficult. Previously, staff created spreadsheets, sorted through paperwork, and manually input the data. The information was entered as descriptive text, resulting in subjective accounts that made it challenging to extract objective data.
Now, IRIS Adapt facilitates the speedy logging of both behaviour incidents and physical interventions. The system records the frequency and nature of incidents allowing staff to easily monitor patterns over time. Additionally, it documents the use of holds by staff on pupils and the extent of staff involvement in these incidents. The IRIS Adapt analysis tools facilitate effective monitoring of behaviour incidents and help in evaluating the effectiveness of implemented strategies. Read more…
“Using IRIS Adapt gives us more time to focus what the data is showing us, rather than spending time collating and processing the data manually.”
“The thing we like best is that we can access the data wherever we are and find the information we need with a couple of clicks.”
The Federation already had an electronic behaviour management system in place, but the analysis tool was very weak and the whole system was not very intuitive. Also it was almost impossible to monitor activity across all the separate sites. The original system was replaced by a custom installation of IRIS Adapt. Read more…
“The new system is very easy to use and is highly customised to our needs.”
“I like the supportive team behind the system. They know and understand education and the needs of schools.”
Previously staff at Piper Hill spent a lot of time crunching numbers and analysing incident reports manually to try and spot patterns and identify trends. Bound and numbered books were used to record serious incidents. The behaviour support team would then meet with each class team at the end of the week and read through the incident reports to try and identify trends within individual pupil’s behaviour. Now IRIS Adapt is used to record all pupil incidents. It is also used as a central point to link all documents and share more information; making for more consistency in recording and information sharing. Read more…
“We now use (IRIS Adapt) as a central point to link all documents and share more information.”
“We can produce more in depth reports more quickly using data we would never previously have had”
Previously behaviour and accidents were recorded centrally on paper records and in books. This inevitably meant a delay in staff recording things. The delay in recording information sometimes led to incomplete or inaccurate accounts. There was also the difficulty in sharing and accessing the information quickly. The school now has a number of custom IRIS Adapt logs including Incident/behaviour, accident record and parent contact information, as well as a confidential form for whistleblowing or recording sensitive, (non safeguarding) issues. Read more…
“The time taken for producing detailed reports for Governors has also been cut drastically”
“We really like the very flexible approach by the Adaptsoft team, who are always there to help and listen and see if they can find a solution.”
The school’s main issues prior to using IRIS Adapt were ineffective tracking of pupil behaviours and the difficulty in assessing the impact of interventions. Incidents were recorded on paper, but this made it difficult to analyse the data. There was too much paperwork involved so consequently tracking was not as effective as it could be.
IRIS Adapt is now used to capture those behaviour incidents that require a response beyond normal classroom management. All members of staff now record behaviour incidents using the same terminology and in a consistent format. Also recorded are any behaviour incidents that requires the use of positive handling techniques or that involves injury to a pupil or member of staff. Read more…
“we can readily identify and monitor those pupils with high levels of behaviour incidents.”
“The support we receive from Adaptsoft is always prompt and very helpful.”